Is poorly managed pain and inflammation slowing you down and impairing your quality of life? Pain is your body’s way of telling you that there is inflammation present, inflammation is connected with the symptoms of pain, redness, heat and swelling. It frequently accompanies injury and tissue trauma, such as sprains, strains, cuts, bites and stings. However, what you may not realize, is that inflammation can be a contributing factor to many health conditions and is a key element in the joint pain of arthritis, back pain and muscular aches, digestive disorders such inflammatory bowel disease, period pain, and many types of headaches. Many people come to detox at Atsumi specifically to reduce inflammation.
Inflammation can be easily identified when there are external signs of pain from arthritis, or joint and muscle injuries. However, inflammation can be occurring inside the body even when the warning signs are less obvious. For example, did you realize that obesity is an inflammatory state? Many digestive disorders such as food intolerances, irritable bowel disease, and coeliac disease are inflammatory conditions.

For optimum health, it is important to reduce the inflammatory response. Pharmaceutical or over the counter anti-inflammatories are commonly used to help relieve pain and inflammation, however many of these carry risks such as causing damage to your digestive tract and liver. Fortunately there are some safe and effective natural anti-inflammatory and pain relief solutions available:
Turmeric - This Thai herb has been used traditionally for the treatment of traumatic injury, and to reduce swelling and pain in arthritic conditions.
Boswellia - Has analgesic, anti-rheumatic and anti-inflammatory actions, as well as being effective for arthritis and traumatic pain, it may also assist with inflammatory conditions of the lungs, gastrointestinal tract and skin.
Omega 3 - essential fatty acids from fish oil containing EPA and DHA, may reduce acute and chronic pain and inflammation.
The typical Western diet can actually promote inflammation; high amounts of sugar and refined carbohydrates break down quickly into glucose and have been shown to prompt inflammatory changes that are linked with many chronic diseases. In some susceptible people, foods such as dairy products and gluten-containing grains can trigger an inflammatory response within the digestive tract and subsequently throughout the body.
Foods that decrease inflammation
Fresh fruits and vegetables
Good fats from fish, nuts and seeds
Herbs and spices such as ginger, turmeric
Excess coffee and alcohol
Organic foods where possible
Eat mostly whole foods
Foods that increase inflammation
High intake of sugar and processed foods,
artificial flavours, colours and preservatives
Trans and saturated fats
Allergenic foods - dairy, wheat and gluten
As well as taking the right herbs and nutrients, there are simple diet and lifestyle changes that you can make that can to reduce your inflammatory load:
1. Eat a diet plentiful in fresh fruit, a variety of vegetables and good fats from fish and nuts.
2. Minimize your intake of refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta, white rice, and cereals.
3. Minimize your intake of red meat and opt instead for fish, chicken or vegetarian protein sources such as chickpeas or tofu.
4. Reduce your intake of alcohol, coffee, sugar and salt.
5. Avoid foods you may be reactive to, such as wheat and dairy foods.
6. Quit smoking.
If you are finding it hard to implement changes at home, our detox programs could help to give you a kickstart and supply you with necessary tools to implement and follow a healthier lifestyle.