Chi Nei Tsang is a deep Chinese abdominal massage that utilizes the Five Elements of Chinese medicine and focuses on the navel center of the body, training the organs to work more efficiently. It addresses all the vital systems of the body: digestive, respiratory, lymphatic, nervous, endocrine, urinary, reproduce/sexual and muscular.

Hopi Ear Candling (also known Thermal Auricular Therapy) is a pleasant and non-invasive treatment of the ears. It is used to offer real and calming benefits for many problems and conditions associated with the ear, nose and throat areas.

Core unwinding is a combination of cranio-sacral therapy, lymphatic drainage and visceral balancing. It helps fascia, muscle and internal organs unwind, and aids energy balance. Core unwinding will transport you to a different dimension, a place of supreme tranquility where deep healing occurs.

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is a type of gentle massage which is intended to encourage the natural drainage of the lymph, which carries waste products away from the tissues back toward the heart.

NLT is a powerful combination of NLP & EFT- both techniques work directly your subconscious mind and are able to break long-standing negative patterns quickly and painlessly. NLP and EFT do not require you to believe in them for them to work. These profoundly effective techniques can help you to let go of unwanted thoughts, emotions and behaviors in a matter of just a few sessions.

Life Coaching is a profession that is profoundly different from consulting, mentoring, advice, therapy, or counseling. The coaching process addresses specific personal projects, business successes, general conditions and transitions in the client's personal life, relationships or profession by examining what is going on right now, discovering what your obstacles or challenges might be, and choosing a course of action to make your life be what you want it to be.

Gua Sha is a healing technique used in traditional Chinese medicine. "Gua" means to scrape or rub. "Sha" is a reddish, elevated patch of skin. Gua Sha stimulates the immune system, detoxifies and de-acidifies, promotes the circulation, regulates functions and organs, removes blockages and pain, revitalizes and regenerates ("life-extension"), diminishes stress, fatigue and burn-out.

A physical medicine and rehabilitation specialty that, by using mechanical force and movements, remediates impairments and promotes mobility, function, and quality of life through examination, diagnosis, prognosis, and physical intervention.

One on one personal training session with Kris, tailored to suit your abilities & fitness goals. Each session lasts around 45min to 1 hour depending on your energy level & how you’re feeling in that day. Body Composition is the true indication of fitness, when detoxing & training you can lose a lot of weight, but weight alone is not an indication of a person’s health, body fat percentage is.

The word “Kundalini” refers to the Shakti or power when it is in its dormant, potential state. In literal translation from the ancient Sanskrit it means “that, which is coiled”. And it is usually depicted as a serpent, sleeping in Mooladhara, the root chakra. During the process of awakening, the energy is rising through all the chakras up. For a kundalini yogi, the Supreme Consciousness represents the highest possible manifestation of physical matter in the body. And this physical matter is being transformed into subtle forces - such as feeling, thinking, reasoning, remembering, postulating and doubting, in the gradual progression.

Breath is essential to life. It is the first thing we do when we are born and the last thing we do when we leave. In between that time, we take about half a billion breaths. What we may not realize is that the mind, body, and breath are intimately connected and can influence each other. Our breathing is influenced by our thoughts, and our thoughts and physiology can be influenced by our breath. Learning to breathe consciously and with awareness can be a valuable tool in helping to restore balance in the mind and body.

During a session, Niti will perform crystal-bowl singing meditation which accompany you with pleasant tone into deep trance, where you let go of your worries and be one with your peaceful essence, where you can reflect your outer self from within. Different crystal sounds have different properties as each wave length corresponds to a different chakra. Each crystal bowl then has different strengths and healing abilities, The session will stimulate your chakras and most importantly you will learn more about your inner self.

Qi Gong is often described as ‘moving meditation’ or indeed Chinese yoga. The practitioner must concentrate his mind on slowly moving through a routine of different stances. These movements are graceful and controlled. Each stance is held for series of breaths, while the mind concentrates its energy through the posture taken with the body. Inhaling and exhaling through the nose, the body’s muscles should relax completely while the mind focuses this energy.
Meet our extended family and dedicated part of our transformation team..
the Practitioners & Coaches of Atsumi welcome you on your journey with us.

Meditation I Yoga Therapy
Kseniia Mochalova is Personal Growth Inspirer, Yoga Therapist and Meditation Guide, specialized in Antrang (Internal) Yoga. 12 years of personal experience in meditation, multiple yoga and meditation retreats in India and Nepal. Yoga Teacher’s Training and Yoga Therapy certification by Paramanand Institute of Yoga, Indore, India. “ My utmost interest was always directed towards the so-called “unknown” within us. How to bring ourselves to the equilibrium point and maintain the harmony for a long time? How to become the Masters of Our Own Light?” The answers to these and many other questions are revealed by practicing Kundalini Yoga. Kundalini is the creative energy; the energy of self-expression. And by awakening it, we aim to speed up the pace of personal physical, mental and spiritual evolution.

The Healing Power of Breathing
Bastian is certified PADI (staff instructor -number 287780) and CMAS. He has been teaching diving and free-diving for more than 12 years.

Energetic Healing I Psychic Healing
Melinda believes she is gifted by clairvoyance and healing energy. Her healing channel has developed consequently since her intuition has reached deeper levels. Her energy power drives the patient to a relaxing condition calming down stress sensations. She heals by intuition, body and mind. After more than 20 years of clairvoyance and fortune telling for a small circle of acquaintances, Melinda decided in her forty-fifth year to share her clairvoyance to the general public. Melinda is a medium by birth and practice and read slides. This is a gift passed on to her by her maternal grandmother.

Reshaping & Rebalancing
Teep comes from a family of healers. By the age of 7, he took off massive shoulder/upper back pain for his Mom, and that is how his local fame started. He entered monk hood early, about 16, and there he met a teacher in a forest monastery, who observed him and agreed to take him as a student to pass the wisdom and knowledge on ancient Thai massage techniques. These techniques are kept for hundreds of years in forest temples, since the beginning of it, when ayurveda techniques where joined together with acupressure points from traditional ancient Chinese healing techniques, and trough prolonged meditations of Thai forest monks and all types of Vipassana practice, all of it got transformed into the unique healing system with many methods. This massage is 2 level and holistic, as it doesn't divide the energy lines and physical human body, but takes them as a whole organism to work with.

PT I Fitness
Kris Luther is a Fully Qualified Personal Trainer with nearly a decade of experience. Kris specializes in Strength & Conditioning. Kris first came to Thailand in 2007 to further his career as a Professional Thai Boxing in which he remained undefeated for 3 years till he retired in 2010 to launch his Business “Serious Fitness Phuket”.
Kris utilised his passion for strength & his experience as a professional athlete to created exciting & modern workouts, with strict proficiency, allowing his clients to achieve their goals faster and more efficiently.

Charlie Arm is a Chartered Physiotherapist from The Prince of Songkla University, the most acclaimed university hospital in South Thailand, so you can be assured you'll be in professionally qualified hands throughout the course of your physio treatment. Whatever your issue Charlie is confident he can help you. His speciality is treating lower back pain, SI dysfunction, chronic office syndrome, sports-related injuries and much more.

Chi Ne Tsang
Timmy is a holistic practitioner from Lampang in Northern Thailand who offers a diverse range of healing therapies. She is a master in the art of Chi Nei Tsang and Karsai Nei Tsang – a Taoist Chinese system of detoxifying and balancing the deep musculature and organs of the abdomen and pelvis, the ancient Thai art of Tok Sen, Shiatsu, Tetsu, Yoga Massage as well as sound and energy healing. She is also an herbalist who uses her own handmade balms, oils and compresses in her treatments.

Core Synthesis I Basic Movement Therapy
Yoki has been studying in Sukhthai Thammathirat University for his Bachelor Degree in Thai Traditional Medicine for 5 years. He is also a Teacher of Thai Basic Movement therapy to help to release pain in the body. Yoki has been working at Atsumi for 10 years.

Gua Shua
Toh has been a certified Gua Sha Therapist since 2013.

Hopi Ear Candles I NLT
Sarah works here at Atsumi as a part-time Detox Consultant. She has a diploma in Anatomy, physiology and massage as well as holding an ITEC diploma reflexology. Sarah is certified by the American Board of NLP and studied directly under NLT founder Tim Robins.

NLT [Neuro Linguistic Tapping]
Becky is a Certified NLT Practitioner and studied directly under the Founder of NLT, Tim Robins (EFT and NLP Master). She also has a BSC Honours Degree in Counselling and Therapeutic Studies from Leeds Metropolitan University and is a certified yoga teacher.

Eddie Newsinger is a martial arts practitioner and teacher who is interested in internal energy practices and the relationship between martial and healing art forms. Using movement, breath and intention to bridge the gap between the heart and mind, bringing them into a greater state of balance, harmony and health. While Eddie has trained in many styles and with many formidable masters, he is dedicated to the art of Shaolin Wugulun Kung Fu. Wugulun is a more holistic and traditional form of Shaolin Kung Fu than what is widely available today. Wugulun is based in the practice of Chan Wu Yi (Buddhist Kung Fu Medicine) - it is a way of life in which the heart, body and chi are in total harmony with each other and with nature.

Singing Bowl Meditation
Niti is both a qualified yoga instructor and takes our popular singing bowl meditation class. Singing bowls (also known as Tibetan Singing Bowls, rin gongs, Himalayan bowls or suzu gongs) are a type of bell, specifically classified as a standing bell. Rather than hanging inverted or attached to a handle, singing bowls sit with the bottom surface resting, and the rim vibrates to produce sound characterized by a fundamental frequency (first harmonic) and usually two audible harmonic overtones (second and third harmonic). Singing bowls are used worldwide for meditation, music, relaxation, and personal well-being.

Celebrity Ftiness Trainer I Physique Transformation Specialist
A celebrity fitness trainer and international health educator, Dave has dedicated more than 16 years of his life to helping people optimise their performance and lifestyle, from professional and Olympic athletes, to top models and Hollywood celebrities, busy parents and executives. Dave is also the founder of Tranzend health supplements and author of “The Physique Transformation” book. His teaching methods focus on the importance of organic nutrition and creating a more active and balanced lifestyle, while incorporating positive thinking and stress reduction techniques to compliment the mind-body connection. Dave studied Kinesiology in university, and he is internationally referred to by his clients and peers as a “Physique Transformation Specialist.”

Personal Development Coach I Spiritual Guide
Dela is highly skilled at bringing together the physical and mental aspects of change. She is a personal performance coach and natural frequency shifter who has been working with her gift for over 20 years. She has been a spiritual guide for professional athletes and top CEOs, as well as government officials, celebrities, and everyone in between. Her unique integrative awareness method helps people to unlock their most empowered spirit and to re-connect with their energy source and sense of fulfilment. Dela studied at Stansted University in the UK, working amongst the world’s most accomplished metaphysics professors and doctors, where she became a teacher herself, guiding others to harness the power of their own gifts and discover their true selves. Dela connects with clients in a transformative way. Inspiring and illuminating, Dela’s sessions are an energising and life changing experience.
Atsumi offers you a wide range of additional therapies, specifically selected to best support you in your transformation while you relax and enjoy your detox and wellness holiday in Phuket paradise.
You may also like to treat yourself to a treatment from our spa menu.

Chi Nei Tsang is a deep Chinese abdominal massage that utilizes the Five Elements of Chinese medicine and focuses on the navel center of the body, training the organs to work more efficiently. It addresses all the vital systems of the body: digestive, respiratory, lymphatic, nervous, endocrine, urinary, reproduce/sexual and muscular.

Core unwinding is a combination of cranio-sacral therapy, lymphatic drainage and visceral balancing. It helps fascia, muscle and internal organs unwind, and aids energy balance. Core unwinding will transport you to a different dimension, a place of supreme tranquility where deep healing occurs.

Gua Sha is a healing technique used in traditional Chinese medicine. "Gua" means to scrape or rub. "Sha" is a reddish, elevated patch of skin. Gua Sha stimulates the immune system, detoxifies and de-acidifies, promotes the circulation, regulates functions and organs, removes blockages and pain, revitalizes and regenerates ("life-extension"), diminishes stress, fatigue and burn-out.

Hopi Ear Candling (also known Thermal Auricular Therapy) is a pleasant and non-invasive treatment of the ears. It is used to offer real and calming benefits for many problems and conditions associated with the ear, nose and throat areas.

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is a type of gentle massage which is intended to encourage the natural drainage of the lymph, which carries waste products away from the tissues back toward the heart.

All programs are facilitated by a teacher who is highly skilled in the subject they teach and has, at the very least, reasonable English communication skills, particularly in the subject area they will be teaching. Oasis ed. Phuket will supplies all necessary materials and equipment for each session.

The Infrared dome can be used to relieve pain and soreness, reduce swelling and inflammation, Improve blood circulation and lymphatic flow, remove toxins, .

Physiotherapy treatment can hasten your body's natural healing process, accelerating your return to sport or activity. Appropriate treatment will also reduce the likelihood of recurrence by addressing factors which may have contributed to the development of your condition.

NLT (Sarah)
NLT is a powerful combination of NLP & EFT- both techniques work directly your subconscious mind and are able to break long-standing negative patterns quickly and painlessly. NLP and EFT do not require you to believe in them for them to work. These profoundly effective techniques can help you to let go of unwanted thoughts, emotions and behaviors in a matter of just a few sessions.

Life Coaching is a profession that is profoundly different from consulting, mentoring, advice, therapy, or counseling. The coaching process addresses specific personal projects, business successes, general conditions and transitions in the client's personal life, relationships or profession by examining what is going on right now, discovering what your obstacles or challenges might be, and choosing a course of action to make your life be what you want it to be.

One on one personal training session with Kris, tailored to suit your abilities & fitness goals. Each session lasts around 45min to 1 hour depending on your energy level & how you’re feeling in that day. Body Composition is the true indication of fitness, when detoxing & training you can lose a lot of weight, but weight alone is not an indication of a person’s health, body fat percentage is.

The word “Kundalini” refers to the Shakti or power when it is in its dormant, potential state. In literal translation from the ancient Sanskrit it means “that, which is coiled”. And it is usually depicted as a serpent, sleeping in Mooladhara, the root chakra. During the process of awakening, the energy is rising through all the chakras up. For a kundalini yogi, the Supreme Consciousness represents the highest possible manifestation of physical matter in the body. And this physical matter is being transformed into subtle forces - such as feeling, thinking, reasoning, remembering, postulating and doubting, in the gradual progression.

Breath is essential to life. It is the first thing we do when we are born and the last thing we do when we leave. In between that time, we take about half a billion breaths. What we may not realize is that the mind, body, and breath are intimately connected and can influence each other. Our breathing is influenced by our thoughts, and our thoughts and physiology can be influenced by our breath. Learning to breathe consciously and with awareness can be a valuable tool in helping to restore balance in the mind and body.

During a session, Niti will perform crystal-bowl singing meditation which accompany you with pleasant tone into deep trance, where you let go of your worries and be one with your peaceful essence, where you can reflect your outer self from within. Different crystal sounds have different properties as each wave length corresponds to a different chakra. Each crystal bowl then has different strengths and healing abilities, The session will stimulate your chakras and most importantly you will learn more about your inner self.

QI GONG (Eddy)
Learn simple and beautiful movements to build, improve its circulation and harmonise the energy or Qi in the body. Qigong works on many levels. Through these gentle movements we stimulate the lymphatic system, oxygenate the body, strengthening the internal organs, tendons, muscles and connective tissues. No experience is necessary as these ancient and beautifully simple techniques can be easily learned and practised by everyone. The benefits of Qigong have been tested and proven over thousands of years. Similar to Yoga the practice of Qigong can help you achieve a calm and peaceful mind, vibrant health, increased energy levels and longevity.
Meet our extended family and dedicated part of our transformation team..
the Practitioners & Coaches of Atsumi welcome you on your journey with us.

Meditation I Yoga Therapy
Kseniia Mochalova is Personal Growth Inspirer, Yoga Therapist and Meditation Guide, specialized in Antrang (Internal) Yoga. 12 years of personal experience in meditation, multiple yoga and meditation retreats in India and Nepal. Yoga Teacher’s Training and Yoga Therapy certification by Paramanand Institute of Yoga, Indore, India. “ My utmost interest was always directed towards the so-called “unknown” within us. How to bring ourselves to the equilibrium point and maintain the harmony for a long time? How to become the Masters of Our Own Light?” The answers to these and many other questions are revealed by practicing Kundalini Yoga. Kundalini is the creative energy; the energy of self-expression. And by awakening it, we aim to speed up the pace of personal physical, mental and spiritual evolution.

The Healing Power of Breathing
Bastian is certified PADI (staff instructor -number 287780) and CMAS. He has been teaching diving and free-diving for more than 12 years.

Energetic Healing I Psychic Healing
Melinda believes she is gifted by clairvoyance and healing energy. Her healing channel has developed consequently since her intuition has reached deeper levels. Her energy power drives the patient to a relaxing condition calming down stress sensations. She heals by intuition, body and mind. After more than 20 years of clairvoyance and fortune telling for a small circle of acquaintances, Melinda decided in her forty-fifth year to share her clairvoyance to the general public. Melinda is a medium by birth and practice and read slides. This is a gift passed on to her by her maternal grandmother.

Reshaping & Rebalancing
Teep comes from a family of healers. By the age of 7, he took off massive shoulder/upper back pain for his Mom, and that is how his local fame started. He entered monk hood early, about 16, and there he met a teacher in a forest monastery, who observed him and agreed to take him as a student to pass the wisdom and knowledge on ancient Thai massage techniques. These techniques are kept for hundreds of years in forest temples, since the beginning of it, when ayurveda techniques where joined together with acupressure points from traditional ancient Chinese healing techniques, and trough prolonged meditations of Thai forest monks and all types of Vipassana practice, all of it got transformed into the unique healing system with many methods. This massage is 2 level and holistic, as it doesn't divide the energy lines and physical human body, but takes them as a whole organism to work with.

PT I Fitness
Kris Luther is a Fully Qualified Personal Trainer with nearly a decade of experience. Kris specializes in Strength & Conditioning. Kris first came to Thailand in 2007 to further his career as a Professional Thai Boxing in which he remained undefeated for 3 years till he retired in 2010 to launch his Business “Serious Fitness Phuket”.
Kris utilised his passion for strength & his experience as a professional athlete to created exciting & modern workouts, with strict proficiency, allowing his clients to achieve their goals faster and more efficiently.

Physiotherapy / Lympathic Drainage
Charlie Arm is a Chartered Physiotherapist from The Prince of Songkla University, the most acclaimed university hospital in South Thailand, so you can be assured you'll be in professionally qualified hands throughout the course of your physio treatment. Whatever your issue Charlie is confident he can help you. His speciality is treating lower back pain, SI dysfunction, chronic office syndrome, sports-related injuries and much more.

Chi Ne Tsang
Timmy is a holistic practitioner from Lampang in Northern Thailand who offers a diverse range of healing therapies. She is a master in the art of Chi Nei Tsang and Karsai Nei Tsang – a Taoist Chinese system of detoxifying and balancing the deep musculature and organs of the abdomen and pelvis, the ancient Thai art of Tok Sen, Shiatsu, Tetsu, Yoga Massage as well as sound and energy healing. She is also an herbalist who uses her own handmade balms, oils and compresses in her treatments.

Core Synthesis I Basic Movement Therapy
Yoki has been studying in Sukhthai Thammathirat University for his Bachelor Degree in Thai Traditional Medicine for 5 years. He is also a Teacher of Thai Basic Movement therapy to help to release pain in the body. Yoki has been working at Atsumi for 10 years.

Gua Shua
Toh has worked in the holistic field for many years. He is not only a practitioner of physical body therapies such as Gua Sha but also leads meditation classes here at Atsumi. An accomplished raw chef as well as fitness instructor, Toh is also a competitive body-builder

NLT | Hopi Ear Candles
Sarah works here at Atsumi as a part-time Detox Consultant. She has a diploma in Anatomy, physiology and massage as well as holding an ITEC diploma reflexology. Sarah is certified by the American Board of NLP and studied directly under NLT founder Tim Robins.

Holistic Therapy | Self Discovery
Marco has been working in the field of holistic therapies and subtle energies for more than 7 years. Marco trained and practiced within an interdisciplinary group of medical practitioners, psychotherapists and health practitioners, specializing in clinical applications of alternative therapies. He is a certified practitioner for different techniques and protocols that he uses according to the condition and situation. The purpose is to go deeper, explore the unconscious levels of the illness and/or of the situation causing distress. Languages spoken English, French, Italian. Practiced therapies and techniques:
- Thetahealing – digging into subconscious beliefs and programs
- Pranotherapy - Reconnective healing – Massage/stabilization of subtle bodies
- Family and Systemic Constellations

Eddie has nearly two decades of experience in Shaolin Kung fu and Qigong and has trained internationally with some of the world’s foremost traditional Kung fu masters most notably Shifu Shi Yanzi 34th generation Monk from the Shaolin Temple and Dr. Yang Jwing Ming founder of Yang’s Martial Arts Association. Eddie’s current teacher is Master Wu Nanfang of the Shaolin Wugulun Kung fu Academy in China. Shaolin Gulun Kung fu is the origin of the modern, better - known sports and performance oriented Shaolin wushu. Gulun Chan Wu is a way of life which has its roots in Chan/Zen Buddhism - in which the heart, mind, body and Qi are (through continual practice) brought into total harmony with each other and with nature. It is also an effective and highly skilled combat art. The forms, developed over thousands of years, are slow, graceful, incredibly intricate and meditative - yet deadly when used in fighting. Eddie’s background has given him a deep understanding of the theory behind Qigong and Kung fu practice from a scientific and medical perspective enabling him to tailor his teaching to an individual’s specific needs. These ancient arts are hugely beneficial for not only achieving vibrant health and increased energy levels but also for enabling us to free ourselves from negative patterns. Zen arts can be used to reconnect us with our true hearts escape our chaotic monkey minds and live a more balanced calm and peaceful life.

Singing Bowl Meditation
Niti began yoga and meditation training 10 years ago. Meditation Crystal singing bowl was learned when she received the guiding tune of the crystal bowl from Guru Gampanart, leader in crystal bowl meditation. After that, she became interested and undertook formal training under Guru Satitum to completion. Crystal bowls made from different crystals have differing healing properties. Each is linked to different chakras in the human body. Chakras are the base of life energy in the human body that encodes information on the level of your sub consciousness. Bad encoding is the cause of illness and afflictions in both mind and body.

Celebrity Ftiness Trainer I Physique Transformation Specialist
A celebrity fitness trainer and international health educator, Dave has dedicated more than 16 years of his life to helping people optimise their performance and lifestyle, from professional and Olympic athletes, to top models and Hollywood celebrities, busy parents and executives. Dave is also the founder of Tranzend health supplements and author of “The Physique Transformation” book. His teaching methods focus on the importance of organic nutrition and creating a more active and balanced lifestyle, while incorporating positive thinking and stress reduction techniques to compliment the mind-body connection. Dave studied Kinesiology in university, and he is internationally referred to by his clients and peers as a “Physique Transformation Specialist.”

Personal Development Coach I Spiritual Guide
Dela is highly skilled at bringing together the physical and mental aspects of change. She is a personal performance coach and natural frequency shifter who has been working with her gift for over 20 years. She has been a spiritual guide for professional athletes and top CEOs, as well as government officials, celebrities, and everyone in between. Her unique integrative awareness method helps people to unlock their most empowered spirit and to re-connect with their energy source and sense of fulfilment. Dela studied at Stansted University in the UK, working amongst the world’s most accomplished metaphysics professors and doctors, where she became a teacher herself, guiding others to harness the power of their own gifts and discover their true selves. Dela connects with clients in a transformative way. Inspiring and illuminating, Dela’s sessions are an energising and life changing experience.

Soul Connection | Reiki | Crystal Healing
Kitt is an Energy Intuitive and Holistic Life Guide. Soul Connection Therapy is a deeply relaxing and intuitive journey of transformation & healing. Guided by the patterns held within your energy body, Kitt works together with your Soul Guides to bring you the clarity and empowered wisdom to move through any blocks or resistance which is currently holding you back from moving forward towards your goals and dreams. Every Soul Connection session is unique but includes: cleansing and connecting with your Soul Guides and the wisdom they carry; gaining clarity on the deeper meaning of life events and circumstances; receiving inspiration & guidance on how to move forward with your dreams and goals; translating this guidance into practical and achievable steps in your life. By harnessing the creativity and guidance available within the powerful space of a Soul Connection session, you create the potential to integrate profound and loving wisdom into those areas of your live which matter most to you.
“In my short time with her, Kitt gave me the tools to forgive, heal and love in ways I never thought possible. Her words and infinite love are so contagious, I will always carry her in my heart as I move forward through this journey we call life!” – Steph, Canada

Therapeutic Yoga
Adriane Ehmann is an international yoga teacher and founder of WTF Yoga, Adriane has 9 years of experience using yoga as a catalyst for physical and mental change. She teaches yoga using a pragmatic approach to change the brain and the body, building a better connection between the two.
Specializing in injury recovery and stress reduction, you will find her classes both challenging and restorative. Adriane sees the body as a series of connections and pathways that create a greater whole, and excels at meeting her students and clients needs. With an attention to detail and over 5000 hours of teaching experience, her passion and knowledge shine through with her ability to deeply connect to those she works with.
Yoga Therapy sessions can be used to address chronic pain, insomnia, stress, injury, posture, and creating healthier lifestyle habits. You will gain a deeper understanding of how to alleviate your own personal health challenges; walking away from these sessions with a specially designed regimen to continue the process on your own.