At Atsumi we are frequently updating our activity schedule to provide you with the best support for your wellness journey. You can find more information on our activities page.
Please note that activities are susceptible to change.
Please check on the blackboards at reception and the yoga sala.
People come to Atsumi for many different reasons, be it for mind, body or soul. Modern life and its stresses have created a need for a retreat where we can give ourselves the time and attention we neglect to in our everyday lives. Some may initially be worried that Atsumi will be full of “new age hippies”, wearing white robes and chanting all day long (not that there’s anything wrong with that and everyone is welcome). But, be reassured that you will find people from all walks of life here.
Curious? Here’s a brief look at a “typical” day in the life of a guest.
Firstly, I should stress there’s plenty to keep you occupied during your stay here and everyone is pleasantly surprised that going without food, or living on a raw food diet isn’t as difficult as one might anticipate.
The day starts at 7.15 am. You can get up when you like, of course, but if you want to participate in the morning activity you need to get to the Yoga Sala for 7.15. Every morning there’s a different activity on offer.
After the morning activity there’s a meeting for some zingy ginger tea, energizing wheatgrass and a chat. Guests get their schedules for the day, book appointments, trips or treatments and new guests are welcomed into the group. It’s a chance to chat, ask any questions you may have to one of the fasting staff or your fellow cleansers.
Fasting and health tips and talks are offered by the fasting staff as well as an angel card reading, but if this is not your cup of ginger tea, don’t worry you don’t have to participate.
Then it’s off for the “highlight” of the day – your morning coffee colema or massage (more of a highlight than the colema) depending on your schedule.
At midday the Atsumi tuk- tuk is waiting to take you down to Nai Harn, the nearby beach, to relax, sunbathe or take a stroll. If you don’t fancy the beach you can relax at the pool, in your room or workout in the gym.
In the afternoon you have your second colema to look forward to or massage, if scheduled for the afternoon. Some guests may have appointments in the spa or with one of our therapists.
I forgot to mention that during the day, depending on the program you have chosen you will be drinking a delicious “cleansing drink” alternated with some supplements if you are on a full fast program and if you’ve gone for the raw fast program you will be having specially designed raw meals.
It’s evening time before you know it and if you fancy you can go to the herbal steam room to sweat out some more toxins.
If you still have enough energy after that you may want to join the evening activity at 7pm – again there’s something different every evening, from Thai boxing to meditation.
Then it’s time for bed!
"At Atsumi you will meet an eclectic mix of people, friendships and bonds are formed as everyone is united in the pursuit of a healthy body and mind!"